Google Analytics

We use collected information for Google Analytics. We use Google Analytics’ 3rd-party audience data such as age, gender and interests to better understand the behavior of our customers.

We do not share or sell your information to anyone. This information is used for us to optimize the user experience on our website.

Information We Collect

We may collect certain information from you in connection with your browsing activities at This information may include:

  • geolocation data; and
  • other personal information you provide to us on our Website, through contact forms or comments on our posts

Additionally, we may collect certain computer and browser information through automated technologies such as cookies when you visit A “cookie” is a file that a website sends to a visitor’s computer or other Internet-connected device to identify the browser or to store information or settings in the browser.

The information collected using these tools may include your IP address, browser characteristics, operating system, the address of the web page that referred you to our Website, dates and times of Website visits, the language your system uses, the country and time zone in which your device is located and a log of content you access while browsing our website.